(static) oscStream
Listen for messages over OSC
This method is exclusive to Node.js
- Source:
(static) accuracy(confusionMatrix) → {number}
Calculate the accuracy of a classifier given its confusion matrix as defined by the confusionMatrix method
Name | Type | Description |
confusionMatrix |
Array.<Array.<number>> |
a confusion matrix |
- Source:
The accuracy
- Type
- number
(static) balancedAccuracy(confusionMatrix) → {number}
Calculate the balanced accuracy of a classifier given its confusion matrix as defined by the confusionMatrix method
Name | Type | Description |
confusionMatrix |
Array.<Array.<number>> |
a confusion matrix |
- Source:
The balanced accuracy
- Type
- number
(static) bandpower(samples, sample_rate, bands, options) → {number|Array.<number>|Array.<Array.<number>>}
Calculate the bandpower of a signal or multiple signals in the specified frequency bands.
Uses a modified periodogram with a Hann window by default. (see: bci.periodogram()) Bandpower is calculated as the area under the PSD curve estimated using the rectangular method.
Units of bandpower are the square of the input signal's units. If the input signal has units of μV, then the bandpower estimate has units μV^2.
Returns absolute power by default. Relative band power (absolute power divided by total power in the signal) can be calculated by passing the option {relative: true}.
You can also pass custom PSD estimates instead of directly passing the signal. This may be useful if you wish to use your own PSD estimation method of choice, such as Welch's method. In this case, pass a single PSD array or pass multiple PSDs in the same form as multiple signals (columns are channels). Then be sure to pass the option {input: 'psd'}.
Example usages are provided below.
Name | Type | Description | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
samples |
Array.<number> | Array.<Array.<number>> |
An array of samples, ex: [1,2,3,4, ...], or, in the case of multiple channels, ex (2 channels): [[1,2], [3,4], [5,6], ...] |
sample_rate |
number |
Sample rate |
bands |
string | Array |
The frequency band provided as an array [frequencyStart, frequencyStop] or a string 'delta' (1-3 Hz), 'theta' (4-7 Hz), 'alpha' (8-12 Hz), 'beta' (13-30 Hz), or 'gamma' (31-50 Hz). |
options |
object |
- Source:
Bandpower | array of bandpowers if an array of bands is passed as input for a single signal or multiple signals are passed with a single band | array of array of powers for each band if multiple signals are passed
- Type
- number | Array.<number> | Array.<Array.<number>>
// Single signal example
let samples = [0.23, 0.14, 0.78, ...];
let sample_rate = 256; // Hz
bandpower(samples, sample_rate, 'alpha'); // returns power, ex: 1.652
bandpower(samples, sample_rate, ['alpha', 'beta']); // returns an array with the powers in the alpha and beta bands. Ex: [1.473, 0.383]
// 2 channel example
samples = [[0.1, 0.3], [0.4, 0.2], [0.6, 0.5], ...]
bandpower(samples, sample_rate, 'alpha'); // returns an array of alpha powers for each channel, ex: [1.342, 0.342]
bandpower(samples, sample_rate, ['alpha', 'beta']);
// returns an array of arrays of powers in each band, ex: [[1.342, 0.342], [0.245, 1.343]].
// The first array is an array of alpha powers for channels 1 and 2
// The second array is an array of beta powers for channels 1 and 2
bandpower(samples, sample_rate, ['alpha', 'beta'], {average: true});
// Calculate average alpha across all channels and average beta across all channels
// Returns a value such as [0.842, 0.794]
// Note these are the average of [1.342, 0.342] and the average of [0.245, 1.343] from the previous example
(static) confusionMatrix(predictedClasses, actualClasses) → {Array.<Array.<number>>}
Generate a confusion matrix C where rows are actual classes and columns are predicted classes. C = [ [true negative, false positive], [false negative, true positive] ].
If two classes are passed, class 0 represents the negative case, and class 1 represents the positive case. If more than two classes are passed, an NxN confusion matrix is returned where N is the number of classes.
Name | Type | Description |
predictedClasses |
Array.<number> |
An array of predicted classes, with class numbers starting at 0 |
actualClasses |
Array.<number> |
An array of the actual classes, with class numbers starting at 0 |
- Source:
The confusion matrix
- Type
- Array.<Array.<number>>
(static) cspLearn(class1, class2) → {Object}
Learn common spatial pattern (CSP) for two datasets. Check out for an interactive example of how CSP works.
Name | Type | Description |
class1 |
Array.<Array.<number>> |
Data samples for class 1. Rows should be samples, columns should be signals. |
class2 |
Array.<Array.<number>> |
Data samples for class 2. Rows should be samples, columns should be signals. |
- Source:
Learned CSP parameters
- Type
- Object
(static) cspProject(cspParams, data, dimensionsopt) → {Array.<Array.<number>>}
Projects data using common spatial pattern (CSP) and reduces to given number of dimensions. Check out for an interactive example of how CSP works.
Name | Type | Attributes | Description |
cspParams |
object |
CSP parameters computed using the cspLearn function |
data |
Array.<Array.<number>> |
Data points to be projected. Rows should be samples, columns should be signals. |
dimensions |
number |
<optional> |
Number of dimensions to be returned. Can range from 1 to number of signals. Defaults to number of signals. |
- Source:
Projected data. Rows are samples, columns are dimensions sorted by descending importance.
- Type
- Array.<Array.<number>>
// Learn the CSP params
let cspParams = bci.cspLearn(class_a, class_b);
// Project the signals
let class_a_csp = bci.cspProject(cspParams, class_a);
let class_b_csp = bci.cspProject(cspParams, class_b);
(static) f1(confusionMatrix) → {number}
Calculate the f1 score of a binary classifier given its confusion matrix as defined by the confusionMatrix method
Name | Type | Description |
confusionMatrix |
Array.<Array.<number>> |
a 2x2 confusion matrix |
- Source:
The f1 score
- Type
- number
(static) fastICA(signals, options) → {Object}
FastICA algorithm for independent component analysis
Name | Type | Description | ||||||||||||||||||||
signals |
Array.<Array.<number>> |
The mixed signals. Each row should be a signal and each column a sample. |
options |
Object |
- Source:
An object with the following values: {source: the estimated source matrix, weights: the estimated unmixing matrix, whitening: the computed whitening matrix, iterations: number of iterations taken to converge on each weight}
- Type
- Object
(static) generateSignal(amplitudes, frequencies, sampleRate, duration) → {Array.<number>}
Generate a signal with the given frequencies and their amplitudes.
Name | Type | Description |
amplitudes |
Array.<number> |
The amplitudes of each frequency. |
frequencies |
Array.<number> |
The frequencies. |
sampleRate |
number |
Sample rate of the signal in Hz. |
duration |
number |
Duration of the signal in seconds. |
- Source:
The generated signal.
- Type
- Array.<number>
let amplitudes = [4, 8];
let frequencies = [10, 20]; // 10 Hz (alpha), 20 Hz (beta)
let sampleRate = 512; // Hz
let duration = 1; // Seconds
let signal = bci.generateSignal(amplitudes, frequencies, sampleRate, duration);
(static) ldaClassify(ldaParams, point) → {number}
Classify an unknown data point.
Name | Type | Description |
ldaParams |
object |
The parameters for the LDA, computed with the function ldaLearn |
point |
Array.<number> | Array.<Array.<number>> |
The data point or array of points to be classified. |
- Source:
0 if the first class, 1 if the second class
- Type
- number
let features = [[1,3], [5,2]]; // Example feature vectors
let classification = bci.ldaClassify(ldaParams, features[0]); // Outputs a number (0 or 1 depending on class)
let classifications = bci.ldaClassify(ldaParams, features); // Outputs an array of classifications
(static) ldaLearn(class1, class2) → {Object}
Perform linear discriminant analysis between two datasets
Name | Type | Description |
class1 |
Array.<Array.<number>> |
Data set for class 1, rows are samples, columns are variables |
class2 |
Array.<Array.<number>> |
Data set for class 2, rows are samples, columns are variables |
- Source:
Computed LDA parameters
- Type
- Object
// Training set
let class1 = [[0, 0], [1, 2], [2, 2], [1.5, 0.5]];
let class2 = [[8, 8], [9, 10], [7, 8], [9, 9]];
// Learn an LDA classifier
let ldaParams = bci.ldaLearn(class1, class2);
(static) ldaProject(ldaParams, point) → {number}
Predict the class of an unknown data point.
Name | Type | Description |
ldaParams |
object |
The parameters for the LDA, computed with the function ldaLearn |
point |
Array.<number> | Array.<Array.<number>> |
The data point or array of points to be projected. |
- Source:
value less than 0 if predicted to be in class 1, 0 if exactly inbetween, greater than 0 if class 2
- Type
- number
(static) loadCSV(filePath) → {Promise}
Loads a CSV file into an array
This method is exclusive to Node.js
Name | Type | Description |
filePath |
string |
The path to the CSV file |
- Source:
A promise object which resolves to the CSV data array
- Type
- Promise
(static) loadEDF(filename) → {Object}
Load data from an EDF file
This method is exclusive to Node.js
Name | Type | Description |
filename |
string |
Path to the EDF file |
- Source:
An object with the following parameters:
subject [string] - The name of the subject
recording [string] - The name of the recording
start_time [string] - The start time as a date time string
channels [Array] - An array of channel objects
A channel object has the following parameters:
label [string] - The label for the channel
sample_rate [number] - The sample rate for the channel
physical_dimension [string] - The units for each channel (ex: uV)
samples [number[]] - An array of samples from the channel
- Type
- Object
(static) mcc(confusionMatrix) → {number}
Calculate the Matthews correlation coefficient (MCC) of a binary classifier given its confusion matrix as defined by the confusionMatrix method
Name | Type | Description |
confusionMatrix |
Array.<Array.<number>> |
a 2x2 confusion matrix |
- Source:
The Matthews correlation coefficient
- Type
- number
(static) nextpow2(num) → {number}
Returns the ceil of the log2 of the absolute value of the passed number
Name | Type | Description |
num |
number |
- Source:
The ceil of the log2 of the absolute value of the passed number
- Type
- number
nextpow2(8); // 3
nextpow2(9); // 4
nextpow2(16); // 4
nextpow2(30); // 5
nextpow2(0); // -Infinity
(static) oscCollect(address, port, header, samples) → {Promise}
Collect a set number of samples over OSC
This method is exclusive to Node.js
Name | Type | Description |
address |
string |
OSC address |
port |
number |
OSC port |
header |
string |
OSC header, can be found by scanning with oscHeaderScan if unknown |
samples |
number |
The number of samples to collect |
- Source:
Resolves with collected data
- Type
- Promise
(static) oscHeaderScan(address, port, duration) → {Promise}
Scan for OSC headers on a port and address
This method is exclusive to Node.js
Name | Type | Description |
address |
any |
OSC address |
port |
any |
OSC port |
duration |
any |
Duration of scan in milliseconds |
- Source:
Resolves with an array of found headers
- Type
- Promise
(static) partition(array, …divisions) → {Array.<Array>}
Partitions an array into multiple arrays Can be used to split data into training and testing sets
Name | Type | Attributes | Description |
array |
Array |
The array to be partitioned |
divisions |
Array.<number> |
<repeatable> |
The size of each partition, each value should range from 0 to 1 |
- Source:
Array of subarrays which are the partitons
- Type
- Array.<Array>
(static) periodogram(signal, sample_rate, optionsopt) → {Object}
Estimates the power spectral density of a real-valued input signal using the periodogram method and a rectangular window. Output units are based on that of the input signal, of the form X^2/Hz, where X is the units of the input signal. For example, if the input is an EEG signal measured in μV, then this method returns values of μV^2/Hz.
Name | Type | Attributes | Description | |||||||||||||||
signal |
Array.<number> |
The signal. |
sample_rate |
number |
sample rate in Hz |
options |
Object |
<optional> |
- Source:
Object with keys 'estimates' (the psd estimates) and 'frequencies' (the corresponding frequencies in Hz)
- Type
- Object
(static) precision(confusionMatrix) → {number}
Calculate the precision of a binary classifier given its confusion matrix as defined by the confusionMatrix method
Name | Type | Description |
confusionMatrix |
Array.<Array.<number>> |
a 2x2 confusion matrix |
- Source:
The precision (positive predictive value)
- Type
- number
(static) prompt(question) → {Promise}
Prompts the user for input via stdin
This method is exclusive to Node.js
Name | Type | Description |
question |
string |
Question shown to user |
- Source:
A promise object that resolves with the response
- Type
- Promise
(static) recall(confusionMatrix) → {number}
Calculate the recall of a binary classifier given its confusion matrix as defined by the confusionMatrix method
Name | Type | Description |
confusionMatrix |
Array.<Array.<number>> |
a 2x2 confusion matrix |
- Source:
The recall (true positive rate)
- Type
- number
(static) round(array, places) → {Array.<number>}
Rounds every value in an array to a set number of decimal places
Name | Type | Description |
array |
Array.<number> | |
places |
number |
- Source:
The rounded array
- Type
- Array.<number>
(static) saveCSV(array, filename) → {Promise}
Saves an array to a CSV file
This method is exclusive to Node.js
Name | Type | Description |
array |
Array | |
filename |
string |
- Source:
A promise object that resolves when the file has been saved. Does not currently reject on write error.
- Type
- Promise
(static) specificity(confusionMatrix) → {number}
Calculate the specificity of a binary classifier given its confusion matrix as defined by the confusionMatrix method
Name | Type | Description |
confusionMatrix |
Array.<Array.<number>> |
a 2x2 confusion matrix |
- Source:
The specificity (true negative rate)
- Type
- number
(static) subscript(array, …params) → {Array}
Subscript an array with MATLAB-like syntax
Name | Type | Attributes | Description |
array |
Array |
The array to be subscripted |
params |
string |
<repeatable> |
Colon notation for which elements to include in each dimension |
- Source:
The subscripted array
- Type
- Array
var bci = require('bcijs');
var arr = [3, 2, 4, 1, 5];
var subarr = bci.subscript(arr, '1:3');
console.log(subarr); // [3, 2, 4]
var bci = require('bcijs');
var arr = [
[1, 2, 3],
[4, 5, 6],
[7, 8, 9]
var subarr = bci.subscript(arr, '1 3', '2:3'); // rows 1 and 3, columns 2 through 3
console.log(subarr); // [[2, 3], [8, 9]]
(static) toFixed(array, places) → {Array.<string>}
Returns an array of numbers as strings rounded to the proper number of decimal places and padded with zeros as needed.
Name | Type | Description |
array |
Array | |
places |
number |
- Source:
Array of string representations of numbers
- Type
- Array.<string>
(static) toTable(array) → {string}
Returns an ASCII table representation of an array
Name | Type | Description |
array |
Array |
- Source:
ASCII table
- Type
- string
(static) transpose(array) → {Array}
Transpose an array
Name | Type | Description |
array |
Array |
The array to transpose |
- Source:
The transposed array
- Type
- Array
(static) wait(ms) → {Promise}
Name | Type | Description |
ms |
number |
Number of milliseconds to wait |
- Source:
A promise which resolves when the timeout occurs
- Type
- Promise
(static) welch(signal, sample_rate, options) → {object}
Welch's method
Computes overlapping modified periodograms and averages them together
Name | Type | Description | |||||||||||||||||||||||||
signal |
Array.<number> |
The input signal |
sample_rate |
number |
The sample rate |
options |
object |
- Source:
PSD object with keys {estimates: PSD estimates in units of X^2/Hz, frequencies: corresponding frequencies in Hz}
- Type
- object
(static) windowApply(array, func, length, step, tail) → {Array}
Similar to JavaScript's map, but it applies a function to sub arrays instead of each element. Each sub array, or window, starts at index 0 and has length 'length' Each next window will be shifted 'step' elements from the first. The result of each function is stored in a returned array.
Name | Type | Description |
array |
Array |
The array of elements which will be windowed |
func |
function |
The function to call on each window, the returned result is stored in a returned array |
length |
number |
The number of elements to include in each window |
step |
number |
The start of the window is incremented by this amount every iteration |
tail |
boolean |
If false, windows which begin near the end of the array which cannot reach length 'length' will be ignored |
- Source:
An array containing the function result for each window
- Type
- Array
var bci = require('bcijs');
bci.windowApply([1, 2, 3, 4, 5], window => console.log(window), 3, 1);
// [1, 2, 3]
// [2, 3, 4]
// [3, 4, 5]
var bci = require('bcijs');
var sums = bci.windowApply([1, 2, 3, 4, 5], window => {
var sum = 0;
window.forEach(x => sum += x);
return sum;
}, 3, 1);
// [6, 9, 12]